New York Indian Film Festival 2017

May 7-12, 2018

NY Indian film fest to pay tribute to Shashi Kapoor, Sridevi
The Asian Age
March 21, 2018

New York: The New York In­dian Film Fes­ti­val will pay tributes to Bol­ly­wood icons, Shashi Kapoor and Sridevi. While Sridevi passed away on Fe­bru­ary 24 in Dubai, Shashi Kapoor had died last year.

Kapoor, who ap­peared in Mer­chant- Ivory films such as The House­holder, will be hon­oured with the screen­ings of Shake­speare Wal­lah and Heat and Dust, the or­gan­is­ers said in a state­ment.

To hon­our Sridevi, her 2012 hit English Vinglish” which was set in New York, will be screened dur­ing the fes­ti­val. The fest opens on May 7 with Nude, a Marathi- lan­guage film di­rected by Ravi Jad­hav.

The story re­volves around a sin­gle mother who gets a job as a nude model at an art school but fears the judge­ment of others and keeps her job a se­cret. Clos­ing night film on May 12 is Hansal Mehta’s Omerta, star­ring Ra­jku­mar Rao. “NYIFF is known around the world for its top- notch, out- ofthe­box pro­gram­ming, and this year is no dif­fer­ent.

The New York au­di­ence is so­phis­ti­cated, well- trav­elled, ed­u­cated and dis­cern­ing.


New York Indian Film Festival
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